Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Don't leave kids and pets in cars to avoid risk of heat stroke on hot days

Safety Risk of Kids & Pets Left in Hot Cars

Summer is here and the temperatures start rising, so does the risk of heat-related injuries in children and pets left in vehicles. Even when a vehicle is parked in the shade on a hot day, kids, the elderly or pets can suffer heatstroke or even death if left in the car unattended. 

Here are four safety tips to be safe this summer
  1. Never leave children or pets in the car unattended. In just three minutes in the sun, the interior temperatures can heat up very quick, putting anyone, including pets in danger of heatstroke
  2. If driving to destinations where you cannot bring pet inside with you, avoid taking it the
    first place. Leaving a pet alone in a hot car will only put them at serious risk as pet can suffer serious injuries when left in a hot car for only 15 minutes. If need to get food during the trip, try using the drive-thru when possible. If one is available, a drive-thru is a great way to stay in the air-conditioned car with pets. 
  3. Having a busy day? When schedules are crazy and in a hurry, you may forget to double check that your kids or pets are safely out of the car. Always double check the back seats every time when getting out of the car to ensure kids and pets are not locked inside.
  4. Prevent your child from playing in a hot car that is parked in the driveway or garage and make sure they cannot get into the car. Tip: Keep any car keys or remotes in a safe place where kids cannot access them. 
Remember, warm temperatures put kids or pets are at a greater risk of heatstroke when being left in a hot car during summer. On a warm day, temperatures can rapidly rise to dangerous levels. If you see someone or a pet in distress inside a parked car, contact local emergency authority or the police. Even with the windows slightly open, the temperature inside a car can soar to 60 C or 140 F in just 15 to 20 minutes. 

Related links:

Prevent heat related incident in hot cars during summer months

Summer safety tips - Heat Safety for kids & pets

Auto Alert Thermometer - Heat Safety


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